How we Classify our Wines

  • Mouthfeel (Body)

    Mouthfeel in wine is like the texture or feeling of the wine inside your mouth. It's how the wine feels as you sip it.

    Some wines feel heavy and smooth, almost like whole milk, while others are light and crisp, similar to skim milk.

  • Sweetness (Sweet/Dry)

    Sweetness in wine is all about how sugary it tastes. Sweet wines have a noticeable sugary taste, while dry wines have little to no sweetness and might taste more crisp or tart.

    Think of it like the difference between drinking lemonade (sweet) and unsweetened lemon juice (dry).

  • Tannin Level

    When you taste a wine with tannins, they create a dry, slightly bitter, or puckering sensation in your mouth, similar to what you might experience when drinking strong tea.

    In red wines, they often give a sense of depth and body, making the wine feel robust and bold. Tannins can mellow and become smoother as wine ages, enhancing its overall harmony. When balanced well, tannins contribute to a wine's overall character, making it more interesting and enjoyable to drink.